Articles - Basement

Why Is Water Seeping Into My Basement?

One of the most common problems associated with basements is water infiltration. Not only can seeping water pose a threat to your home’s foundation, necessitating costly repairs, but it can also lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be a health hazard and cause musty odors to develop. Wet basements are an issue many homeowners contend with, and there ...

Can Water Come Up through a Basement Floor?

In short, yes, water can come up through a basement floor. Even if there are no visible cracks, water can find its way up through a concrete floor. It’s not magic — it’s science. But don’t go throwing concrete under the bus just yet; it’s a wonderful material for constructing sturdy home foundations for a number of reasons — it’s ...

Why Does My Basement Leak When It Rains?

If the basement of your Atlanta, Georgia, home starts to leak every time it rains, the rainwater is most likely finding a way in through the soil structures that surround your foundation. As rainwater seeps into the earth, the soil becomes saturated and hydrostatic pressure builds up. Once pressurized, the water begins to move in the path of least resistance, ...

How Do You Dry Out a Wet Basement?

There are few things worse than coming home to a flooded basement. Seeing your precious possessions and family heirlooms floating in a foot of water is not an easy sight to wash from your mind. And even if it’s not a full-on flood, a small amount of water from a leaking hot water heater or washing machine can still wreak ...

What Are the Symptoms of A Wet Basement?

If you walk down your basement stairs and see a huge puddle in the middle of the floor, there’s a pretty good chance that water is leaking into your basement somehow. However, spotting the effects of water infiltration is not always so obvious. Some of the more common symptoms to be on the lookout for include wet spots on the ...

What Causes Water in a Basement?

 If you have issues with water infiltrating the basement of your Atlanta, Georgia, home, you should contact a home improvement professional to investigate your situation before significant property damage occurs. There may be any number of reasons why water is getting into your basement. The most common cause of leaky basements is pressure created by water in the soil structures ...

How Long Does Basement Waterproofing Last?

When it comes to basement waterproofing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It all comes down to what is causing water in your basement, and there might be several factors at play, such as cracks in your basement walls, a sinking or shifting foundation, or improper backfilling. The most common basement waterproofing methods include applying a waterproof primer and paint to ...

How Much Does Basement Waterproofing Cost?

On average, basement waterproofing typically costs a few thousand dollars. This number really depends on a few factors. For instance, a basement that has cracks that need to be sealed before waterproofing may cost more than one that doesn’t have this issue. The size of the basement and the ease in which a waterproofing system can be installed also factors ...

Finding the Best Basement Waterproofing System for Your Home in Atlanta, GA

There are few things more stressful than noticing foundation damage or subsequent water damage in your basement – especially if you have a finished basement with expensive furniture and electronics. In order to prevent water from entering your basement, you’ll likely want to invest in a basement waterproofing system. There are several options to choose from, but which one will ...

Discover the Differences Between Interior & Exterior Basement Waterproofing Systems in the Atlanta, GA, Area

Have you ever wondered about the differences between interior and exterior basement waterproofing systems? Or, are you simply exploring which option will work best for your home in the Atlanta area? If so, continue reading to learn more about these two basement waterproofing options. Key Differences: Interior & Exterior Basement Waterproofing Interior basement waterproofing is often used as a remedial ...

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